Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winter Break

After 5 months of working my first real job, I am finally getting some time off.

I got off last Thursday (Christmas Eve), and I don't have to go back to work until Jan. 4th.

This break has been absolutely amazing, and I have been trying to take advantage of my free mornings and afternoons with some very important activities:

1. sitting in my underwear on the couch
2. going to the gym everyday
3. waking up at 9 instead of 7:30
4. watching HBO and Showtime premiums on demand
5. keeping up with Jersey Shore
6. attempted to make vegetable stock from scratch
7. hanging out with my bro and sister
8. touch football at HBHS
9. going to the movies 3 times

Man, life really is wonderful.

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