Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Graduate: May 20

Today is the third 3rd day of my post graduation life. Everyone I talk to ask me how excited I am, I tell them not very. It is hard to be excited about the real world considering the current economic crisis that we are in. How am I going to find a job that pays enough to pay off my loans, pay my credit cards, pay for med school applications, and pay rent? According to NPR, there are 2 million people that graduated or are graduating from college in the months of may and june. I don't know how many people are immediately going to grad school afterward, and therefore avoiding paying back loans, but i am envious of all of them. If I could go back and do anything differently, I would have taken the MCAT and GRE my junior year summer. That way I would have had some immediate post grad options in terms of education; however, I am no blessed/cursed with the chance to live real life for a little while. I can no longer sit at my house and choose not to go to my on campus job because I have too much homework, get student discounts at the movies, or simply woo people by telling them I am studying biochemistry. I actually have to do something. I am looking forward to my summer, and hoping that anyone who knows of job openings in the medical field will let me know about them immediately. Holla at ya boy (who wouldn't want to hire such a pretty face? see above)!!!